Reasons to Invest
• Our Infrastructure is world-class.
• Roads network is extensive, well-constructed and regularly maintained.
• The municipality has the highest water management and quality level, certified with Blue Drop Status. The most Blue Drop awards in the province, with six awards.
• Green Drop (waste water) certification with an overall municipal score of 73% in 2013 to 88% in 2021.
• Recent municipal achievements include developing the industrial nodal hub in Mhluzi for SMMEs.
• Electricity is available. Three Eskom power stations are within the municipal area, with various mines supplying necessary coal.
• Green/renewable energy – The municipality has a policy on small-scale embedded generators, which will be implemented in the 2022/23 financial year.
• Off-grid generation – there is a new residential township called Glencollen that is off-grid.
• Basic services – 98% of our communities have access to basic services, though services standards differ. All consumers are connected to the network in urban areas, rural areas are served with communal water points, and sanitation is a top priority.
• The revitalisation of townships and transport availability – The Township Economic Revitalization Strategy, approved in 2019, is being implemented by the municipality. Town Planning has concluded more precinct plans with nodal points and commercial hubs; for example, industrial developmental nodes for SMMEs are in their second phase of development, and more funds have been secured for this initiative. Commercial and residential nodes are being established in developing areas like Rondebosch, including mixed property development and Middelburg Dam Tourism Precinct.
• Tariffs for Municipal services are fair compared to other South African metropolitan areas.
• Property reasonably priced and serviced industrial and commercial property available. Depending on the level of job creation offered by projects, access to this property can be provided.
• Tax holidays–as an incentive, ‘tax holidays’ can be provided to prospective investors.
• The Municipality does not directly determine incentive policies but addresses prospective investors’ needs on an individual and case-by-case basis.
• No traffic jams. On average, reaching the workplace within five to 10 minutes is possible.
• The principal centre of the Municipality, Middelburg, keeps its typical rural residential atmosphere despite its strong mining and industrial income base. The climate is ideal:
• Africa’s only stainless steel manufacturer, Columbus Stainless, is based in Middelburg, providing over 2000 job opportunities.
• The Municipality focuses primarily on its strong industrial base, which serves the local mining sector and Eskom.
• The Municipality is situated with SA’s maize triangle and has a strong agricultural component.
• Financially, the Municipality has had an exemplary record of a 100% payment rate since 2005, because of this achievement, Steve Tshwete Local Municipality has become a model of effective and high-quality municipal service delivery for the rest of South Africa. The Municipality has been awarded clean audits for five consecutive years.
• The Municipality has a landing space that can accommodate small and large aircraft.
• Accredited Municipality of the year: Govan Mbeki Human Settlement Award.
• Steve Tshwete Local Municipality is open for business and is committed to working closely with all stakeholders to grow the local economy, create sustainable jobs and promote skills transfer.