Republic Of South Africa

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Service Delivery Projects

The Municipal Manager Voice of
Steve Tshwete Municipality

An executive mayor is entitled to receive reports from committees of the municipal council and to forward these reports together with a recommendation to the council when the matter cannot be disposed of by the executive mayor in terms of the executive mayor’s delegated powers.
Identify the needs of the municipality. Review and evaluate those needs in order of priority.

Recommend to the municipal council strategies, programmed and services to address priority needs through the integrated development plan, and the estimates of revenue and expenditure. taking into account any applicable national and provincial development plans: and

Recommend or determine the best way. including partnership and other 20 approaches. to deliver those strategies: programmes and services to the maximum benefit of the community.
Municipal Manager

The Municipal Manager Voice of
Steve Tshwete Municipality

An executive mayor is entitled to receive reports from committees of the municipal council and to forward these reports together with a recommendation to the council when the matter cannot be disposed of by the executive mayor in terms of the executive mayor’s delegated powers.
Identify the needs of the municipality. Review and evaluate those needs in order of priority.

Recommend to the municipal council strategies, programmed and services to address priority needs through the integrated development plan, and the estimates of revenue and expenditure. taking into account any applicable national and provincial development plans: and

Recommend or determine the best way. including partnership and other 20 approaches. to deliver those strategies: programmes and services to the maximum benefit of the community.
Learn More
ADV Bheki Khenisa
Municipal Manager
My highest priority is keeping Steve Tshwete Local Municipality safe from harm.

Explore municipality online services

Upcoming Activities & Events


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Download Forms

Register for unallocated

Deposits until June 2014

Submission of industry business

Intergrated Waste Management Plan

Documents for download are in Acrobat (PDF) format. Click the icon to download.

Meet Council Members

Suggestion and Complaints

We value our community's sugestions and input for the better management of the municipality

Call on
013 249 7000
Mail at
Off hrs
8am to 4pm
emergency line
013 249 7344

Load Shedding Schedule

09 February
Load shedding status


Download the 2019 Schedule in A2 PDF Format

--> Possible load shedding hours for today

229 831

People lived in
our city

The population is estimated at 229 831 citizens in terms of 2011 census

Square kilometres
region covers

Steve Tshwete Municipality covers a geographical area of approximately 39976 square km


the municipality has a total length of 819km of roads this consists of a hierarchy of national provincial and municipal roads